Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Ratz pay it forward once again to United Food Bank! Thanks to Pinky!

Many thanks to my fellow Ratz that helped with our Food Drive! Anna, Sandy, Kim, Bea, Dennis, Mark, Chris, George, Steve, Nick & Bill did an awesome job collecting 635lbs of food – this feeds 496 people! This has always been an important cause for me and I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful Rat family! Hugs,Pinky

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"Hot Rod" Rat gets an award! Here is her award winning story!

We left our home in Mesa, AZ and had travelled over 2500 miles on our trip this year. We went back to visit our family in Wichita, Kansas. The trip had been wonderful, the sites, the sounds, the taste and the joys of riding across country with the love of my life, my husband. How much better could it get? I was not prepared for that second day in Wichita.My daughter had been to Wichita earlier in the year and talked to my cousins Rusty and Eric and told them that we were coming back at the end of May on our motorcycles. Eric called and said let’s have lunch together; we want to see your bikes. I still talk with my cousins once in a while but not as often as family should. I had been busy raising my family and living my life. Sometimes we forget, it is the people who touch our lives that are so very important, I was about to get reminded of that in such a powerful way.We pulled up to the little cafĂ© and went in and had a great lunch. They asked if we wanted to come over and see Rusty’s wife, Denise, who was at work just a few blocks away. In my mind I thought, we have a few moments in our busy schedule, we were trying to see as many people as we could with the short time we had in town so let’s hurry and get this over with. In my outside voice I said “Sure let’s go”. I asked if Rusty wanted to ride over there with my husband, Sandy, on his bike a 2006 Street Bob with a 2-up set so we can take the grandkids for rides. His face just beamed but he wasn’t sure how he could get on the back of Sandy’s bike, “No problem,” said Eric, “I will pick him up and put him on there.” You see Rusty has MS. He can still walk, but not as well as he use to and he cannot throw his leg over the back of a bike to ride. So Eric picked Rusty up and gently set him in the seat. I mounted up on my 2004 V-Rod and we headed over those few short blocks. Then it happened: We were sitting at a stop light and Rusty had his ball cap turned backwards holding on to Sandy as I pulled up next to him. Rusty looked over at me with that SMILE. You all know that SMILE, if I have to explain you won’t understand.I was transported back 40 years ago as Rusty and I use to race horses across the pasture at my folks place. Feeling the wind in our faces and finding the freedom and understanding that life is just beginning and we are can do anything we want and go anywhere we want and life is ours for the taking. Rusty would look over at me with his ball cap turned backwards and smile at me as we raced to see who get there first. Never sure where there was but we were both racing to get there.The light changed and I was back in the moment. My heart changed, I am not in a hurry now. I am no longer racing to get there. I am there, right where I am suppose to be and with the people that matter the most in my life at this moment.Our lives took very different paths and life has been great to me. Harley has become a large part of my life in the little time I have been riding (that is another story). The plains across Oklahoma and Texas have a beauty of light, to run the twists and turns in the back roads through Missouri and Arkansas, to see the fields of grain across Kansas, the Rockies in Colorado, the herds of antelope across New Mexico are all breathe taking. But they did not come close in comparison to the look in his eyes and his SMILE. THAT WAS THE MOMENT!

The Ratz chase Pinky to Butterfields

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Shotz taken at 65 on the 50? OK maybe 75?.....

These photos were
shot from Wrench Ratz Blackberry while we were going 65 miles an hour "OR SO" in the middle of nowhere on highway 50! Pretty sweet! Also notice it was my turn to carry the "Dirty Monkey" That is the colorful thing hangin off the back of my T-Bag! lol

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ratz hangin at Lake Tahoe! One of many amazing stops along our Highway 50 trip!

This was a ride of a lifetime! Lake Tahoe baby! Takes your breath away for sure!....

A couple of the Ratz Girlz, Pinky and Dingbat at Carson City, Nevada HD!

Damn Ratz!

Ten Ratz on the Arizona, Nevada Border! Hoover Dam!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ratz welcome to both Flat Top Rat and River Rat!....

Here they are posing for a photo in the Rocky Mountains! We are glad to bring them aboard and can't wait to
carve some new roads together!

The Ratz Welcome Sandy and Anna Miner into the fold

We will be working overtime on highway 50 to come up with their Rat Namez! The Namez always come easier after a few shots of Patron Takillya :) After the bikes are parked of course!....
Anna on her trophy winning V-Rod and Sandy riding his bike into, that's right "I said into" Big Nose Kates! He hates leaving his bike out in the sun! LOL