Monday, December 28, 2009

Ratz Post-Christmas ride to Tortilla Flatz

Somebody got a new bike? I will give a hint! It is Blue:)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Ratz bringing some Christmas Cheer and making some new friendships with the kids at Home Base:)

These kids were really great and it was such a pleasure to hang out with them! All together, I think Tamara, Team Canine, The Ratz and friendz along with some other donations raised about 1500.00 in donations to go to these kids and the Home Base program to help keep these kids off the street! "Just know that we care about you and we wish for all of you much happiness"!....... Thanks Tamara for involving the Ratz in this and organizing the fundraiser.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Another Star is Born! The Ratz welcome Baby Liam! Congratulations to the Raether family!

I tried to rotate the photo and could not! The little guy looks just as cute sideways as he does right side up! LOL

Meet our Grandson: Liam Mackay Raether

> Born 12-12-2009 @ 4:19 PM
> 8 Lbs. 5 Oz.
> 20.5"

Martha and Steve

Sunday, December 13, 2009


The elusive abominable snowman has been cited in Coolidge, AZ today. Witnesses indicated he likes to sneak up behind women and make loud, obnoxious sounds! See attached photo.